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The troubles in our lives, the stress every one of us undergoing in today’s environment is no doubt affecting our health and peace of mind. Every one of us have many problems in our lives be it, financial issues or frictions among families, broken families, broken relationships (particularly fights among couples), chronic health issues even after consulting many doctors, and some of us even have mental health issues such anxiety, stress, depression and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and so on. A question may arise in our minds, why this is happening? What could be the reasons behind it?

There could be some apparent reasons and some obscure causes to it. It could be mismanagement of income and expenditure which may result in financial troubles. The lack of understanding, adjustment, ego, pride etc. might cause a troubled relationship. In case of chronic illness, we may ascribe it to modern lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, changing work environment, culture etc. These apparent reasons do play their role and cause troubles, nevertheless there might be some other aspects as well, which we need to ponder over.  Some people may opine that the cause of their troubles is an evil eye, jealousy of someone and so on. I shall present here, some facts which will help in understanding the prime reasons that cause difficulties.

Concept of Revealed and Acquired Knowledge - An Islamic Perspective:

Islam teaches to follow only two types of knowledge. 1. Revealed knowledge 2. Acquired knowledge. The knowledge which is revealed by Allah through Arch Angel Gabriel to our beloved Prophet is called revealed knowledge. This includes the Quran and ‘Sunnah’ of Prophet (which is preserved in Authentic Hadith like ‘Sahih Bukhari’, ‘Sahih Muslim’ and other Sahih Hadith). Acquired knowledge is that information, which is proved scientifically or by observation, or by common sense etc. There is another type of information which is transferred to us by our forefathers. If this is not found in either the revealed knowledge or the acquired knowledge, then it is called a superstition. Islam strictly prohibits us from following any kind of superstitions.

With the above clarity in mind let us move further. Allah has created the angels with light, the humans and animals with dust, and the jinn with fire (from the invisible portion of the flame).

Allah says in Quran, chapter 51 verse 56 “And we have not created the jinn and the men except that they should worship me”. Further in chapter 67 verse 1 and 2 Allah says, “Blessed is He in whose hand is the dominion of the Universe, and who has power over everything; Who created death and life that He may test you – as to which of you is better in deeds; and he is the mightiest, the most forgiving.”

Among all the species created by Allah, the Humans and Jinn are created with a free will to exercise in this worldly life. They have option to either obey Allah or to disobey his commandments. This exercise of power results in the reward of either heaven or hell on the Judgement Day. The angels do not have a free will to exercise and hence are not accountable on the Day of judgement. Similarly, the role of animals is limited to this world.

When Adam was created, and Allah commanded all the angels and Iblis to bow down in front of Adam , the Jinn (IBLIS) refused to bow down. His Jealousy and hatred for humans started from then on. We are told in the Quran that Iblis is our enemy, and we need to seek refuge from Satan by praying to Allah.

Surah Nahel: (Chapter16:98): Whenever you read the Quran seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.

Whenever we talk, imagine or think of Satan, of his misguiding the humans, we imagine him to be the same Iblis who did not bow down to Adam . We never think how that same Iblis can misguide all the human beings at the same time. It is the virtue of ALLAH alone that he is ONE and he can manage the entire universe and all its affairs all by himself. Whereas Iblis does not have the power to misguide the entire human race all by himself. Like Adam has offspring, Iblis also has his offspring. Whenever a human is born, a Jinn from the offspring of Iblis is attached with that person who remains with that person till his death. This Jinn is known as “HAMZAAD”.  Our Prophet said that the Satan penetrates through our bodies like the blood flows in our veins (Sahih Muslim #5680). Allah has given Iblis and his offspring certain capabilities due to which they misguide us. Apart from the HAMZAAD, there are other Jinn from the team of Iblis, who try to harm us in as many ways possible for them.

Let us have a look at the meaning of last 2 suras of Quran –

Surah FALAK (Chapter 113): In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the most compassionate: Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the rising day, From the evil of what He has created, and from the evil of the night’s darkness when it spreads, and from the evil of those who blow on the knots, and from the evil of the envier when he envies.

Surah NAAS (Chapter 114): In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the most compassionate: Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind; The king of mankind; The true god of mankind; from the mischief (evil) of the whispering elusive prompter who returns again and again, who whispers into the hearts of people, whether he be from the jinn or humans.

Let us see a hadith from Sahih Muslim on this topic.

“Iblis places his throne upon water; he then sends detachments (army/group/battalion etc.) for creating dissension (dispute/conflict); the nearer to him in rank (meaning the highest ranked Jinn in the eyes of Iblis) are those who are most notorious in creating dissension. One of them comes and says: I did so and so. And he says: You have done nothing. Then one amongst them comes and says: I did not spare so and so until I sowed the seed of discord between a husband and a wife. The Satan goes near him and says: You have done well. A’mash said: He then embraces him.” - Sahih Muslim Hadith no #7106.

A portion of another hadith from Sahih Muslim is given below in which Allah says, (Please read the complete hadith for more clarity.)

“I have created my servants as one having a natural inclination to the worship of Allah, but it is Satan who turns them away from the right religion and he makes unlawful what has been declared lawful for them and he commands them to ascribe partnership with Allah.” - Sahih Muslim Hadith no #7207

From the above verses of Quran and from the hadith it is evident that the Satan is very active in operating against humans in all possible ways to take us away from Allah, and to put us in troubles in this life and to destroy our faith, and finally take us to hell. Let us try to understand this with some examples. Consider the case of OCD and Anxiety. OCD is a ‘thought’ which comes in our mind to do a particular thing repeatedly. Similarly, Anxiety is a ‘fear’ which stops us from something. The person going through this cannot help himself even though he knows, what he is doing or worrying about is illogical. Because he is overpowered by his unwise and serious thought he continues to worry.  Relate these two things to the meaning of Surah FALAK and NAAS which clearly mention that “I seek refuge from the evil and the thoughts whispered by Satan into the hearts of people.”  We can obviously infer now that OCD or Anxiety is not a disease per se, but it is a harmful and undesirable thought induced by Satan in our hearts/minds. Similarly, the misunderstandings that bring the troubles in relationships, are caused by the negative thoughts induced by Satan. Looking at the financial troubles, it is surely the influence of Satan, that today we have become too much materialistic and are not content with what we have. We always strive for more in our luxuries and comforts. To satiate (satisfy) our desires, we often indulge in Interest based transactions, without having a second thought. But Allah says in Quran Chapter 17:27 ‘for those who squander (spend) wastefully are Satan’s brothers and Satan is ever ungrateful to his Lord. And in Chapter 2:275-281 Allah has prohibited interest very clearly. ‘The Prophet cursed the accepter of interest and its payer, and one who records it, and the two witnesses, and he said: They are all equal.’ Sahih Muslim Hadith No # 4093. (Also refer Sahih Muslim # 4087 to 4092)

From the above discussion we understand that, knowingly or unknowingly we are stuck in the web of Satan. To come out of it, we need to turn to Allah and follow the path shown by Allah’s Messenger . One important point to be noted here is, while Allah has given powers to Iblis and his offspring, they cannot harm us unless Allah allows it. Allah says in Surah Nahel: (Chapter16:99-100): Surely, he has no power over those who have faith and who place their trust in their Lord. He has power only over those who take him as their patron and who under his influence associate others with Allah in his divinity.  

Allah informs us, regarding the difficulties, trials and tests of man and the solution to it in the following verses of Quran.


Surah Baqarah (Chapter 2:155) - We shall certainly test you by afflicting you with fear, hunger, loss of properties and lives and fruits. Give glad tidings then to those who remain patient.


Surah Hadid (Chapter 57: 22-23) - No misfortune ever befalls on earth nor on yourselves, but we have inscribed it in the Book before we make it manifest. Surely that is easy for Allah. (We do so) that you may not grieve over the loss you suffer nor exult over what he gave you. Allah does not love the vainglorious the boastful.


Surah Shura (Chapter 42:30) - Whatever misfortune befalls you is a consequence of your own deeds. But much of it he forgives.


Surah Younus (Chapter 10:57) - Mankind! Now there has come to you an exhortation from your Lord a healing for the ailments of the hearts and a guidance and mercy for those who believe. 


Surah AR-Rad (Chapter 13:28) - Such are the ones who believe (in the message of the Prophet) and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in Allah’s remembrance do hearts find rest.


Surah Baqarah (Chapter 2:153) - Believers! Seek help in patience and in prayer; Allah is with those that are patient.


From the above verses we understand that, sometimes Allah test us with difficulties and sometimes it might be a consequence of our own deeds. In either case we must turn to Allah. The Quran is a guidance to humankind, a healer of hearts and a source of peace of mind to the believing men. It is a light, a distinguisher between right and wrong (Al-Furqan). It is the word of Allah and has healing for not only spiritual ailments but also for physical and mental ailments. So, turn towards Allah, seek guidance through the wisdom of Quran, and seek heeling through the word of Allah. While the entire Quran can be read for healing, there are some specific verses and some prayers when read repeatedly, shall cure the diseases Insha’Allah.  This is known as “RUQAIYA”. We have to seek remedy through RUQAIYA also apart from medical treatment. Along with Salah (Namaz) and reciting Quran, we must recite some Sunnah AZKAR, and follow a few etiquettes as guided by our Prophet which we shall discuss now.


Subha -o- Sham KE AZKAAR.

Allah through his Messenger has taught us how to protect ourselves from the attacks of Satan. The SUNNAH AZKAAR given below are to be recited without fail every day throughout our lives. Ideally, they should be recited after FAJR and MAGRIB. Insha’Allah you will see a huge difference when you start doing these AZKAAR regularly.

1.    SURAH 112, 113 and 114 (IQLAS, FALAK, NAAS) (3 times).








5.    AYAT-AL-KURSI (1 time)





Apart from the above AZKAAR recite Darood, ASTAGFAR and “LA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MIN-AZ-ZALIMEEN” as much as possible.


The SUNNAH AZKAAR should be recited along with the 5 daily prayers (FARZ NAMAZ). Without performing the obligatory prayers, we cannot expect our problems to be solved. Make the 5 daily prayers (at least FARZ NAMAZ) as part of our life. Learn Quran with understanding, learn Quran with Tajwid, recite the Quran as much as possible daily. Ponder over the meaning of Quran, which guides us towards the success in this life and in the life after death. In all walks of life, we must follow the teachings of Quran.



Some etiquettes and prayers to be followed / adhered to.

     I.        None of you should eat with his left hand and drink with that (left hand), for the Satan eats with left hand and drinks with that (hand).

(Sahih Muslim Hadith no #5267)


   II.        While eating or drinking anything, never take anything without saying BISMILLAH”.


  III.        Eat food completely and clean the plate and lick fingers. Do not leave a single morsel or grain of food in the plate. The Prophet said ‘do not leave the food for Satan’. When we leave the food unfinished, the Jinn eats the left-out food and causes us to get diseases.


 IV.        Never keep food vessels and food items open. Invariably cover everything and when you don’t find any plate to cover then say “BISMILLAH” and keep something (a piece of cloth or paper as a cover) on the food.


   V.        Keep the empty vessels upside down always. Say BISMILLAH while cooking.


 VI.        When you enter the house say “ASSALAM ALAIKUM” in a loud voice. Whether someone is there in the home or not, we have to say Salam invariably. When the Jinn hear Salam, they run away.


VII.        While going out of the house recite - “BISMILLAHI TAWAKKALTU ALALLAH, LAHAULA WA LAQUWWATA ILLA-BILLAH”. When we recite this, we are protected from the harm of Jinn.


VIII.        Before entering washrooms recite “ALLAHUMMA INNI AUZUBIKA MINAL QUBUSI WAL QABAIS”. Then do not open your mouth or talk inside the washrooms. As soon as you finish, come out of washroom and try not to spend much time inside. When we recite this prayer, a veil is drawn between us and Jinn, and they cannot see us. But when we talk inside, that veil breaks.


 IX.        When ever changing clothes say “BISMILLAH invariably before removing clothes so that the Jinn cannot see you when you remove cloths. Try to cover the body with some cloth while changing cloths and never be nude even when alone.

   X.        Do not pour Hot water in the sinks/gutters/washrooms/floors. Whenever you need to do that Say “BISMILLAH” before pouring. Unknowingly you may harm the Jinn living there and they may take revenge.


 XI.        Do not open your mouth while yawning. Try to stop as much as possible, when you can’t stop, then cover the mouth with hands.


XII.        The hair which falls normally should be cut into 2 or more pieces before throwing into dustbin. (Full length hair which fall from the root of the scalp should be cut into pieces before throwing). Cut the nails regularly and do not allow them to grow.


XIII.        Avoid all forms of music such as songs, dance and even qawwali. Music is a strong weapon of Jinn. When we see all forms of filth on the TV and mobile screen, they get the power and avenue to harm us.


XIV.        Open and close the doors with BISMILLAH”. The Jinn cannot enter when the doors are closed with “BISMILLAH”.


XV.        Do not allow children to play or go outside at the time of MAGRIB. It is the time when SHAYATEEN spread, and chances are there that they may attack children.


XVI.        When you go to bed, swipe the bed with hands and remove the dust, then sit on the bed and recite Surah IQLAS, FALAK, NAAS in the same order three times, then spit (dryly) on your hands and wipe your body.


XVII.        The Sunnah AZKAAR (known as subha-sham KE AZKAAR) which we discussed above, must be recited every morning and evening without fail for our protection. Also note that doing Wudu before reading these AZKAAR is optional and not compulsory. Due to some reason, if you are not able to do Wudu or take bath, even then do not stop reciting the AZKAAR.


XVIII.        During the menstrual period of women, it is prohibited to touch the Quran. But the reciting is not prohibited. Also note that during this time the Jinn attack the women more. So, recite the Quranic Suras of protection, and AZKAAR more frequently in this period. Desist more from any prohibited activities such as movies, music etc. during this period.

XIX.        Prophet disliked sleeping between MAGRIB and ISHA prayers and did not like to talk after ISHA. If we truly consider our prophet as our role model, and have respect for him, then we too should sleep after ISHA and get up early in the morning for FAJR. (There can be some exceptions where some people might have night duties etc.)


XX.        The prophet guided us to recite ‘BISMILLAHI ALLAHUMMA JANNIBNASHAITANA WA JANNIBISSHAITANA MA RAZAQTANA’ when a husband and wife meet. And if it is destined that they should have a child then, Satan will never be able to harm that offspring. (It will be ideal to teach this prayer to the brides and grooms at the time of Nikah)

Sahih Bukhari Hadith No#141


XXI.        Narrated Abu Qatada: A good dream is from Allah, and a bad or evil dream is from Satan; so, if anyone of you has a bad dream of which he gets afraid, he should spit on his left side and should seek refuge with Allah from its evil, for then it will not harm him. (When a bad dream comes then recite: ‘AUZUBILLAHI MIN SHARRI SHAITANI WA SHARRIHA’)

Sahih Bukhari; Hadith No# 3292


XXII.        When the call for prayer (Azan) is being given, do not talk but remain silent and answer the call. The Satan runs away by farting, when he hears the Azan.


XXIII.        When the son of Adam recites the Ayat of Sajdah (prostration) and then falls down in prostration, the Satan goes into seclusion and weeps and says: Alas, woe to me, the son of Adam was commanded to prostrate, and he prostrated and Paradise was entitled to him and I was commanded to prostrate, but I refused and am doomed to hell.

(Sahih Muslim Hadith no #244)

Sometimes one may face problems in life despite being regular in prayers, reciting Quran, and doing AZKAAR. In such cases we need to introspect and investigate our lives. We might not have realized our mistakes.

Is our Faith in Allah being strong?  Or are we involved in any form of Shirk? BIDDAT?

Do we really believe in life after death? Or we have never given a serious thought of it?

Do we really believe that the Quran is actual word of Allah? Or we never gave a serious thought about it?

Have we ever tried to understand Quran to follow the commandments of Allah in our lives? Or we have doubts about the teachings of Quran? Do we think the teachings of Quran may not be applicable in this “modern” age?

Do we believe that the Quran is a book of guidance while we are alive, or we think it is a book to be read for the dead?

Are we good to our parents? Did we hurt them any time?

Are our financial matters being correct? Did we deceive anyone?

Have we taken any wealth, property, money unjustly from anyone?

Have we not repaid money taken from anyone?

Are we involved in interest-based transactions?

Are we doing our business honestly? Or it is full of lies and corruption?

If we are employed by an employer, then are we fulfilling our duties?

Have we fulfilled our contracts/ promises in our business or employment?

Are we earning unjustly and spending lavishly?

Are we paying zakat correctly? Are we doing other SADAQA? Are we helping our poor relatives?

Are we good to our relatives and neighbors? Or have we hurt them with our arrogance?

Are we involved in obscenity, indecency, pornography, impurity, impropriety, adultery, fornication, immoralities?

Is our conduct and dress being modest? Or in the name of modernity, have we accepted nudity as normal and casual?

Are we very active on social media in sharing pictures of ourselves, our sisters and daughters? What about the rules of Hijab (PARDA)? Have we taken it lightly?

Have we stopped ogling? (Looking at NA-MAHRAM)


If we are involved in one or more things mentioned above then we need to seriously change our life, ask Allah to forgive. We need to repent (TAUBA) and follow our DEEN seriously and then ask Allah to ease our difficulties, then surely Allah will respond to our prayers.

May Allah guide each one of us towards “SIRAAT-AL-MUSTAQEEM”.

May Allah accept our repentance and ease our difficulties. Ameen!                         By – Syed Sajid



  1. Masha Allah Indeed a very good read. Gives a varied insight into our own minds

  2. Informative article. Keep writing such topics related to Deen and duniya . Explore the poet and the writer hidden out.

    1. Jazakallah for your comments. Please spread the msg to all.


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