TROUBLES IN LIFE – DISCOVER A WAY OUT THROUGH ISLAM The troubles in our lives, the stress every one of us undergoing in today’s environment is no doubt affecting our health and peace of mind. Every one of us have many problems in our lives be it, financial issues or frictions among families, broken families, broken relationships (particularly fights among couples), chronic health issues even after consulting many doctors, and some of us even have mental health issues such anxiety, stress, depression and OCD ( Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ) and so on. A question may arise in our minds, why this is happening? What could be the reasons behind it? There could be some apparent reasons and some obscure causes to it. It could be mismanagement of income and expenditure which may result in financial troubles. The lack of understanding, adjustment, ego, pride etc. might cause a troubled relationship. In case of chronic illness, we ma...
Understanding the teachings and essence of Islam.